• When to Plant and How to Grow Apple Trees in Alabama
    Ah, apple trees—those iconic bearers of crisp, juicy fruit, evoking images of wholesome orchards, homemade pies, and that one apple you swore tasted sweeter because you picked it yourself. If you’re an Alabamian (or an honorary one), you might be wondering if growing apples in the Heart of Dixie is worth your time. Spoiler alert: it absolutely is! But before you rush off to plant an orchard in your backyard, let’s talk about the when, where, and how of planting and growing apple trees in Alabama. Because let’s face it—this isn’t Washington state, and if you treat your apple trees… Read more: When to Plant and How to Grow Apple Trees in Alabama
  • When and How to Grow Peas in Alabama
    Are you a gardening enthusiast in Alabama looking to grow your own delicious peas? You’ve come to the right place! This guide will walk you through the optimal times for planting peas, selecting the best varieties, preparing the soil, and everything else you need to know to achieve a bountiful harvest. 1. Introduction to the Ideal Planting Time for Peas in Alabama In Alabama, the climate can be quite variable, but generally, the best time to plant peas is during the cooler months. For a spring crop, plant your peas between late January and early March. For a fall crop,… Read more: When and How to Grow Peas in Alabama
  • When and How to Plant Sweet Potatoes in Alabama
    When and How to Plant Sweet Potatoes in Alabama Sweet potatoes, with their rich history and versatile uses, are a beloved crop among Alabama gardeners. This nutrient-packed vegetable not only graces our tables during holiday feasts but also marks its presence in everyday dishes. However, to enjoy a bountiful harvest, planting sweet potatoes at the right time and under the right conditions is crucial. This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of planting sweet potatoes in Alabama, ensuring you achieve a thriving and productive garden. Sweet potatoes are more than just a tasty treat; they are a… Read more: When and How to Plant Sweet Potatoes in Alabama
  • When and How to Plant Corn corn in Alabama
    The rhythmic hum of life in Alabama holds a secret that every gardener in the state knows—the timing for planting corn. We’re about to embark on a journey through the heart of Alabama’s fields, where the soil cradles seeds with the promise of golden harvests. Join us as we explore the steps to ensure your corn thrives amid the warm embrace of the Alabama sun. Alabama’s unique climate, with its hot summers and mild winters, creates an ideal environment for growing corn. The state’s long growing season, stretching from late spring to early fall, provides ample time for corn to… Read more: When and How to Plant Corn corn in Alabama
  • Alabama Home Gardening
    Gardening enthusiasts in Alabama are blessed with a diverse climate and rich soil that offer unique opportunities for home gardening. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner, the combination of Alabama’s natural beauty and its supportive gardening community makes it an ideal place to grow your own garden oasis. The Allure of Home Gardening in Alabama Home gardening in Alabama is more than just a leisure activity; it’s a lifestyle that brings families and communities together. The state’s mild winters and hot summers provide a varied growing season that allows for a wide range of plants, vegetables, and… Read more: Alabama Home Gardening
  • Echinacea Coneflowers in Alabama
    Echinacea, commonly known as coneflower, is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family. It is native to eastern and central North America, where it is found growing in moist to dry prairies and open wooded areas. They have large, showy heads of composite flowers, blooming from early to late summer. The genus Echinacea derives from the Greek word ‘echino,’ meaning sea urchin or hedgehog, referring to the spiky appearance and feel of the flower heads. There are around nine species of Echinacea, but the most commonly known and used are Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower), Echinacea angustifolia (Narrow-leaf… Read more: Echinacea Coneflowers in Alabama
  • What to Plant in March in Alabama
    What to Plant in March in Alabama If you’re like me, you’re anxiously waiting for spring to arrive. The daffodils are starting to peek up through the soil, and the trees are beginning to bud. But even though it’s still chilly outside, that doesn’t mean you can’t start planting in your garden! In this blog post, we will discuss what plants do well in March in Alabama. We’ll also give you a few tips on how to care for them. So if you’re ready to get your hands dirty, keep reading! One of the most important things to remember when… Read more: What to Plant in March in Alabama
  • Gardening with Spring Annuals in Alabama
    Planting annual plants is a great way to bring color and vibrancy to your garden. But heading to the garden center can be a daunting experience. With so many types of plants, it takes time to know which ones are right for you and your needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, here is a guide to help you choose the best plants at your garden center. The first step in choosing the best plants is knowing what climate zone your home is located in. Northern Alabama is zone 7, and Southern Alabama is zone 8, with… Read more: Gardening with Spring Annuals in Alabama
  • Planting and Growing Potatoes in Alabama
    If you’re an Alabamian looking to plant potatoes, the timing of your planting is essential. Plant too soon, and the cold temperatures may cause damage to the crop; plant too late, and there may need to be more time for a successful harvest before Summer temperatures. Fortunately, with some knowledge and planning, you can ensure that your potato-planting project will yield a bountiful harvest. This blog post is for the cool season type of potatoes. Check out the Sweet Potato page for warm season potatoes. When To Plant Potatoes In Alabama The best time to plant potatoes in Alabama is… Read more: Planting and Growing Potatoes in Alabama
  • The Truth About Fertilizer: Debunking the Myths
    The Truth About Fertilizer: Debunking the Myths There are a lot of myths created by marketing companies about fertilizer. Marketing has convinced people that it is some kind of magical substance that will make their plants grow big and strong overnight. The truth is, however, that fertilizer is just like any other tool- it can be used effectively or it can be misused. In this blog post, we will debunk the marketing myths about fertilizer and discuss how you can use it to improve your garden! What do the fertilizer numbers really mean? All growing plants need essential elements to… Read more: The Truth About Fertilizer: Debunking the Myths
  • How to Grow and Care for Hardy Hibiscus in Alabama
    Hardy Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Swamp Mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos If you’re looking for a beautiful, long-blooming flower to add to your Alabama garden, look no further than the hardy hibiscus! These magnificent blooms come in a variety of colors, and can be grown in almost anywhere in Alabama. In this blog post, we will discuss how to grow and care for these flowers. We’ll also provide tips on choosing the right variety for your needs. So read on to learn more about these amazing plants! What are Hardy Hibiscus? Hardy Hibiscus, distinguished from their tropical counterparts, are a group of perennial… Read more: How to Grow and Care for Hardy Hibiscus in Alabama
  • Peach Trees in Alabama
    When to Plant Peach Trees in Alabama When selecting a peach tree to grow in your garden, it is important to choose the variety that is best suited for your area and purpose. Peach trees are originally from China and can be temperamental with their blossoms. Some peach trees are more suitable for fresh eating, while others are better for canning and making preserves. There are hundreds of peach varieties, each one adapted to a particular region or purpose. Peach trees are best planted November until March in Alabama. Choosing the Right Peach Tree Don’t bother with a tree that… Read more: Peach Trees in Alabama
  • When to Plant Okra in Alabama
    When to Plant Okra in Alabama Okra or Lady’s finger is a popular vegetable that is widely grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions across the world. It has been a staple food for many people in African, Asian and Indian communities for centuries. With regular care and right growing conditions, okra plants can be productive throughout the Alabama growing season, even during summer months. The key to growing okra successfully in your garden is selecting the right variety that suits the climatic conditions of your area. We’ve selected Clemson Spineless & Okinawa Pink for Alabama. The plant thrives in warm… Read more: When to Plant Okra in Alabama
  • When to Plant Strawberries in Alabama
    When to Plant Strawberries in Alabama Before you start planting strawberry plants, it’s important to check their hardiness zone. Strawberries are a perennial plant that can be grown year round in zones 5-9. For zones 4 & 10, strawberries are considered an annual plant which means they must be replanted each year. Alabama is Zone 7 and is an excellent location to grow strawberries. In this blog post, we’ll look at how to successfully plant and care for strawberries. We will also discuss diseases, pest and why it is important to protect your plants from frost. What type of soil… Read more: When to Plant Strawberries in Alabama
  • Best Flowers to Plant in Alabama for Spring
    Here’s our choices of the best flowering plants to grow in Alabama for Spring… Calibrachoa Calibrachoa (Calibrachoa parviflora) is a trailing petunia that is also known as Million Bells and Seaside Petunia. It’s a happy little plant that blooms prolifically all summer and performs its best under the summer sun. Calibrachoa won’t wilt in the heat like many other varieties of petunias, making it a great choice for a sunny, organic garden. Sunpatien Garden success has never been simpler with easy-to-plant, easy-to-grow SunPatiens. The thicker petals and tough foliage are less prone to disease, and their strong sturdy stems tolerate… Read more: Best Flowers to Plant in Alabama for Spring
  • Growing Calibrachoa Organically
    Growing Calibrachoa Organically Calibrachoa (Calibrachoa parviflora) is a trailing petunia that is also known as Million Bells and Seaside Petunia. It’s a happy little plant that blooms prolifically all summer and performs its best under the summer sun. Calibrachoa won’t wilt in the heat like many other varieties of petunias, making it a great choice for a sunny, organic garden. Planting Location The more sun calibrachoa receivies, the more blooms they will produce. Select a location that is in full sun. Plants grow equally well when planted in-ground or in containers, but will produce runners that need space to trail… Read more: Growing Calibrachoa Organically
  • The Zinnia Garden: A Colorful Display of Summer Blooms
    The Zinnia Garden: A Colorful Display of Summer Blooms Step into a world of vibrant colors and endless charm with the Zinnia Garden, a captivating display of summer blooms that will transform your garden into a breathtaking spectacle. Zinnias, with their diverse varieties, effortless propagation, and stunning beauty, is a gardener’s delight. From the delicate petals of the Lilliput zinnias to the towering elegance of the Giant zinnias, this article will guide you through the captivating world of these summer darlings. Discover the secrets of successful cultivation, from seed propagation to nurturing cuttings, and delve into pest and disease management.… Read more: The Zinnia Garden: A Colorful Display of Summer Blooms
  • Growing Ornamental Sweet Potatoes Organically
    Ornamental sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) vines don’t produce edible vegetables, but they do produce an attractive vine. The vine is suitable for use as a houseplant or for growing in an outside hanging basket. They thrive in the intense heat of summer and come in a wide range of colors. Their easy-care nature and low-growing vining habits make them a great addition to an organic garden. When planted among taller shrubs and plants, ornamental sweet potato vines act as a living mulch that helps retain soil moisture and keep weeds from growing. Planting Location The more sun these colorful vines… Read more: Growing Ornamental Sweet Potatoes Organically
  • Growing Geraniums Organically
    Growing Geraniums Organically The popular and colorful geranium (Pelargonium) is a sure sign that summer has arrived. Geraniums come in many forms, colors and growing heights with well over 400 species of plants that are in the family of Cranesbills. Easy-to-grow plant thrives in an organic garden and will provide bloom color all summer. Geraniums are considered to be an annual, but typically behave as a perennials when grown organically. Growing Location Select a sunny location that has well-draining soil. Geraniums grow well in containers or when planted in-ground. Geraniums should be planted on the day of purchase, so it’s… Read more: Growing Geraniums Organically
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