okra in alabama

When to Plant Okra in Alabama

Okra or Lady’s finger is a popular vegetable that is widely grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions across the world. It has been a staple food for many people in African, Asian and Indian communities for centuries. With regular care and right growing conditions, okra plants can be productive throughout the Alabama growing season, even during summer months.

The key to growing okra successfully in your garden is selecting the right variety that suits the climatic conditions of your area. We’ve selected Clemson Spineless & Okinawa Pink for Alabama. The plant thrives in warm and moist weather and does not tolerate frost. Unlike many other vegetables, it does not need well-drained soil and grows well in heavy clay or sandy soils. However, you should make sure that the soil is not water-logged as this can lead to root rot.

Okra seeds can be direct sown in the garden or started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost date. Sow the seeds 1/2 inch deep in moist, well-drained soil and keep them warm (70-80 degrees F). Once the seedlings emerge, thin them to 12-18 inches apart. Alabama garden centers can have seeds and plants available from Alabama Grown.

The plants will start bearing flowers and fruits 60-90 days after planting. The fruits are best harvested when they are 3-4 inches long and still tender. You can pick them every 2-3 days to encourage more fruiting.

What are the Crystals on Okra Plants?

While okra are self-pollinating with both male and female parts on the same flower. The plant secrets sugary sap that forms crystals to draw ants for pollination.

Why are Ants on Okra Plants?

The ants are there to help pollinate the flowers. The plants secret a sugary sap to draw the ants to the plants.

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