Bolivian Jew



The Bolivian Jew is an exceptionally low-maintenance plant that sprouts small, greenish leaves on its striking deep purple stems. At maturity this plant can grow to measure 12 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Under proper conditions this striking plant produces small white flowers during the summer months. The ideal growing conditions of this plant consist of well-draining soil, in bright indirect light, with adequate watering. A good rule of thumb for determining when to water is to wait until the top once of soil is dry before watering again. The Bolivian Jew prefers an atmosphere with high humidity but can tolerate average humidity. To encourage more growth this plant can benefit from fertilizer once per month during the growing season. Pinching the tips of the stems can ensure the plant stays compact. The characteristics of the Bolivian Jew make it an excellent choice for a trailing plant for hanging baskets, to use as ground cover in a terrarium or as a low maintenance house plant. The hardiness zones of this plant are 10 to 11.